Build Your first Django project!
The first step is to start a new Django project. Basically, this means that we'll run some scripts provided by Django that will create the skeleton of a Django project for us. This is just a bunch of directories and files that we will use later.
First make folder of your choice and open that folder with cmd or windows powershell then write command
Here Hello is my folder name in your case you can give any name then write command cd<folder name >
you can directly go in that main directory
For windows user first we have to install Django in our local machine. For installation of django we have a python in our local machine. So we have to write command. This will install django in your local machine.
pip install django
Now go in main directory and write command
cd Hello
You can go in main directory now.
Now the time is for starting of server
python runserver
this will run your server
Go to your browser and write port no
and enjoy the app.